Freely-accessible research database, focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for approximately 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records.
Keywords: Environment, Ecology, global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and more.
המאגר כולל נתונים ביבליוגרפיים ותמציות של מאמרים מכתבי עת מדעיים וכלליים, מסמכי ממשל ודוחות, בתחומי הסביבה והשפעת האדם על האקולוגיה.
GeographyLife SciencesEnvironmentGeneral EngineeringArchitecture
Covering period years:
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