Citation Management Tools
Citation management tools can help organize research references (citations), save and manage documents.
These tools make writing papers easier by creating properly formatted bibliographies and footnotes. Some of the tools offer support for collaboration.
The Tel Aviv University provides a subscription to RefWorks and the libraries offer training and support.
There is a large and growing number of tools, free and otherwise, to help you manage your citations. Below are some examples of Citation management tools:
Zotero - Free desktop and web service, that allows you to sync citation between desktop and the web.
Zotero Guide -
Mendeley - Free desktop and Internet software that allows you to sync citations between desktop and the Internet.
Mendeley Video Training
Mendeley Guide -
Sciwheel - Internet software. Accessible to Tel Aviv University community.
Sciwheel Guide - EndNote - Synchronize references across desktop and online. User must buy individual software copy.
EndNote Training - EndNoteWeb - Web-based. Limited online-version of EndNote. Free to Tel Aviv University community via Web Of Science.
EndNote Online Guide