Free digital resources during coronavirus

Many publishers  and other content providers, have stepped forward by making  journals,  ebooks, videos and other courseware available for free or temporarily upgrading the maximum number of concurrent users. On this page we will give you a list of the open recources.

​We will keep you updated with new links that might help your research benefit from more accessible resources

Information Resources about COVID-19 >>

MALMAD free resources during the Corona Outbreak page>>

Need Help? The libraries staff will be happy to help >>






Annual Reviews  
Freely available for  students and staff to access until 30th April 2020. Annual Reviews content covers a wide spectrum of subjects, including Biochemistry, Criminology, Economics, Law and Social Science, Linguistics, Medicine and Public Health

Coronavirus related articles in 3 journals



COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications

Full journals collection

 Freely accessible until April 30, 2021

Cambridge- Coronavirus Free Access Collection


Digital access to textbooks and reference books.

De Gruyter

Free access to the Complete eJournal Package until 31.7.2020



Current Digest of the Chinese Press 

Current Digest of the Russian Press

Rossiskaia Gazeta

China Economy, Public Policy, and Security Database

Jiefang jun bao - Archive (DA-PLA) 


Novaia gazeta

Essential Russian Classics eBook Collection

Taiwan Academic Classics






 access to 256 textbooks across many subjects (published between 1977 and 2020


Emerald Publishing



Free access to a Ebook collection and journals through April 23, 2020.



Times Digital Archive 1785-2014 |  The Mirror | The Sunday Times |  The Times Literary Supplement  The Telegraph | American Amateur Newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society |  American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society | Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library | Refugees, Relief and Resettlement   ECCO (minus science and technology archives)


IGI Global


IGI Global disseminates quality content across 350+ topics in 11 core subject areas.



Expanded access to content



Temporary free acess of  Science Education videos through June 15 for STEM teaching


Lumen Learning Open Courses


Lumen courseware is designed to help at-risk students succeed in digital environments, and we want to make our learning tools and team readily available wherever we may be helpful.


McGraw-Hill Education

Free access for a course online


Movie Discovery

Over 1,500 documentaries and independent films are now available while in quarantine (hebrew and english films)


Ohio State  University Press

Free access for 699 OSU Press Books



Oxford University Press


Open access to all All Oxford publications  : Handbooks, Encyclopedias, etc.
Project MUSE

Over 20 publishers offering their ebooks and journals on Project Muse have decided to make their contents freely available.  These materials are marked with a distinctive free icon.
Amongst the publishers are:  Johns Hopkins University Press (all books and journals), Ohio State University Press (all books and journals), University of Nebraska Press (all books and journals),
University of North Carolina Press (all books), Temple University Press (all books), and Vanderbilt University Press (selected books).



Free access for more than 5,300 Coronavirus-related articles and book chapters

A free, real-time feed of the latest research and news on COVID-19, powered by Scitrus, Atypon's AI-driven personalized discovery application.

Free resources regarding historical perspectives on epidemics, methods used to control their spread, and associated health policies: Europe Cholera epidemic of 1817 or UK Cholera epidemic of 1854 or effectual prevention means taken at  Hastings in 1873 or Epidemic Diseases and thier Prevention in 19895 Sydney.

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